DiSC Expert. Interpersonal Communications Consultant. Team-Building Specialist.
Making the impact you want and getting the results you seek is all about the strength of the relationships on your team and getting the right people in the right positions.
I'm a high-energy, professional trainer, coach, and consultant. I work with individuals, organizations, and teams to enhance workplace communication and, therefore, trusting relationships, ultimately impacting results and the bottom-line in a very positive way. Contact me to learn more about Everything DiSC or the Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team.

Select Client List

Helping Children, Families, and Each Other: Creating a Trauma Informed Workplace Through More Effective Relationships
Organizations that adopt a trauma-informed approach are guided by five principles of care, including: safety in relationships; trustworthiness; choice; collaboration; and empowerment. Thus, those who work in organizations serving individuals and families that experience and are exposed to trauma, like Wisconsin’s Department of Children and Families (DCF), must have effective communication skills in order to foster trusting, supportive, compassionate, and safe relationships with those they serve, as well as with one another. DiSC is a perfect tool for achieving this. Read more about how DCF is succeeding in creating a trauma-informed workforce through using DiSC enterprise-wide.
If you want to learn how to improve and enhance the relationships of those you serve, I can help. I offer a suite of DiSC services, from onsite training with your company or organization to one-on-one consults with leaders, middle managers, and the individuals on teams who support them. Creating trauma-informed practices is not easy, yet it is possible...with the help of tools of like DiSC. Let’s connect today!

Honda’s Latest Model: Training That Drives Lifetime Customer Loyalty
Keeping customers coming back for more is a mark of any successful business. In the automotive industry, where brand devotion can be erratic, customer loyalty is especially important. Today’s car manufacturers are driven more than ever to retain customers and the smartest industry players know that customer satisfaction does not equal customer loyalty. To help strengthen and deepen customer relationships, Honda overhauled its training with the help of Everything DiSC. Read about Honda’s experience with DiSC here.
If you want to learn how to improve and enhance the relationships with your customers using customized-just-for-you plans of action, reach out to me today. I can help. I offer a suite of DiSC services, from onsite training with your company or organization to one-on-one consults with leaders, middle managers, and the individuals on teams who support them. Let’s connect today!
Featured Articles
How to Guestimate Someone’s DiSC Style
Short of formally assessing individuals, which I’m always happy to help with (of course), the best way to guestimate someone’s DiSC style is to do the following:
Personality vs. Behavior? What Everything DiSC Says About Your Temperament
Many people think DiSC is a measure of personality. In truth, however, it’s actually measuring your natural behavioral style, specifically how you “default-behave” in varying contexts/situations (in other words, your default temperament).
Everything DiSC: A Decoder for Your Workplace Priorities
One of the things I find most fascinating about the Everything DiSC model is that it works like a decoder for understanding one’s workplace priorities. Each DiSC style has a different set of priorities. Once you know what each style’s priorities are, the picture regarding why people do what they do at work becomes a lot…clearer.