I’ve been thinking a lot lately about a question I see and hear often:
Why do some coaches seem to really knock it out of the park with their business success while others really struggle and fight to survive?
I think I’ve come up with three pretty good reasons that they fail, and I offer three strategies for how to make sure you don’t fall victim to one (or all three!) of those dangers!
3 Reasons Coaches Fail in Business Building:
Employee vs. Business Mindset
I see Coach after Coach treating her business with less-than-100% respect because she tends to wear an “employee” hat instead of a “business owner” hat. Business owners create vision, oversee systems, drive client relationships, and invest in themselves and their businesses’ long-term success. Employees, while very valuable to any business success, serve a very different function: they implement details, execute on projects, and keep the day to day matters of the business humming along. Business owners understand that if they want the business to produce, they have to take care of it…and that starts by donning your business owner hat and treating your business accordingly. You have to spend your time working ON the business, not just IN it.
Think Bigger for Growing Your Business
I see sooooooo many coaches holding themselves small. I myself was there once and, truth be told, I still struggle with this. I know, intellectually, that THINKING BIG is part and parcel of business growth and innovation, but my gremlins still attack me. Here’s one recently that popped into my life with some really uplifting messaging:
“Lots of people build hugely successful businesses…but do you really think you’re one of them? You’re no Steve Jobs, honey.”
Oh, my! My gremlins DO like to hold me small. But you know what? Screw them. I continue to grow, to evolve, and to GET BIGGER by ignoring them, by turning the volume down on their voices, and by succeeding despite their will to have it be otherwise. I wish more coaches could get it in their bones that mindset and inner-saboteur-management are the absolute KEYS to so much of success. They hold us small and we, in turn, hold ourselves too small.
Get Support for Your Coaching Business
Almost everyone in the world who runs a successful business (coaching or otherwise) has MORE THAN ONE person working alongside them to make it happen. What’s disheartening is that I repeatedly see and learn of coaches who don’t have the necessary support to really make a “go” of their business. In the beginning, that support may be in the form of a spouse or bookkeeper or bartered website design. It may be a contract Virtual Assistant, your teen-age kid, or a mastermind group. It may be a marketing firm, a communication specialist, or small business consultant. And it almost CERTAINLY should include a Coach! That’s THE MOST CRITICAL PIECE on the support team in the beginning (and, arguably, forever!). I spend nearly 20% per year of my business revenues on coaching and training. I see it as crucial business investment that leads to consistent growth, deep and intense development, and a rich, rich life. Don’t attempt to go it alone…it just doesn’t work.
Don’t fall prey to these dangers!
Here are three things you can do to help keep your business safe AND thriving:
- Hop on my 31 Clients Webinar. It’s free, it’s happening on Wed April 5th from 1-2pm Central, and all you need to do is register to attend. I’ll share with you how I went from 0 to 31 clients in my first year as a life coach. NO BS. No fluff. Straight dirt. You’ll get actionable steps you can do RIGHT AWAY (without spending your was on marketing) so you can get some money coming in NOW. Link to registration below (or at www.charitigent.com/31clients).
- Hire a Coach. I just laid out $10K for a coach in one lump sum. Why? Because it’s worth every penny. Don’t be penny-wise and pound foolish, especially when it comes to your business and livelihood. Keeping your mind strong and working with someone who can be your partner in business strategy and development is KEY.
- Join Chariti’s Good Vibe Tribe. Chariti’s Good Vibe Tribe is a virtual community where we (as life, health/wellness, + business coaches) share tips, tricks, support, and good vibes about what it REALLY takes to run a fiercely successful, creativity-based, and authentic life/wellness/biz/ coaching business! Go to www.facebook.com/groups/charitisgoodvibetribe and request to join. ALL are welcome! We’ve had some really provocative and helpful discussions over there, and I KNOW you’ll get a ton out of being a part of the community.
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