Note: This is part of a four-part series I’m running regarding building TRUST with the various DiSC styles. You can visit earlier blog posts to learn about how to build trust with a D and i Style.
The Everything DiSC S Behavioral Style
Reminder: S stands for Steadiness. S styles prioritize collaboration, support, and stability in the workplace. These folks are great listeners, highly loyal, and committed team players. They value harmony in the workplace, and they put a high price on interpersonal relationships. They are process-driven individuals who seek first to understand all sides of the story before making a decision or taking action. They are often times the culture-keepers in an organization, the ties that bind on a team, and the solid “rocks” of any strong company.
All of that said, here are three ways to build trust with an S style:
1. Empathy and Compassion are Paramount.
The S is reluctant to trust people who don’t show empathy and compassion. Because of this, make sure you take their feelings into account (and acknowledge them privately, preferably) when creating a change or making a decision.
2. Patience and Sincerity are Proven Winners.
S DiSC styles are going to trust you more if you are sincere and patient with them. Therefore, give them lots of time and space to process new ideas, initiatives, or changes. S styles will go along and trust you if they have time to digest new information and really understand the benefits of the new idea, initiative, or change.
3. Aggressive Behavior Will Backfire On You.
Avoid behavior that might seem aggressive or critical. S’s are people-pleasers. As a result, when you communicate with them in an aggressive or critical way, they will often publicly act as if it doesn’t bother them. Probably deep down inside, however, they are building resentment and distrust of you and the relationship. In order to avoid this and create greater trust, make sure to take the time to have tough conversations in private, with plenty of safety and space for a more laid-back and constructive conversation.
For more information about DiSC and what each style is all about, please visit my website or email me directly at
Stay tuned for next week’s blog: Building Trust with C’s!
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