Today, I worked out with my all-time favorite ever Personal Trainer, Kim Smith, at CORE Fitness in Middleton. Kim custom-creates routines for me each week based on my “hot spots” (and by that, I mean my weak spots!). One of the recent additions Kim put into my routine is something called a “Russian Dead Lift” — with a Kettle Bell (apparently known in the fitness industry as an RDL. I’m just learning all of this). It’s not horrible. But it’s not the easiest thing I’ve ever done, either. The first few times I completed this exercise, I was trying to be all “SHE-RA PRINCESS OF POWER, ” I did not have proper form, and I ended up lifting WRONG. Hurt my lower back. Had to skip a workout or two as a result (doc’s orders!) and just RECOVER and REST for a week. But I was determined to get back at it, to not let this slow me down, to return to the weight lifting as soon as my body would allow it.
So, this morning, after two weeks “away” from the RDL’s, Kim and I decided we’d add the dead lift back in to my routine—and so we did. Upon my first lift this AM , Kim stopped me. She said “Chariti, let’s make sure you’re keeping your arms a bit straighter at the elbow and really using those glutes as the workers here.” It was a little, itty-bitty tweak, a form correction of the slightest magnitude…and it made the HUGEST difference! I did 2 sets of 10 RDLs with a kettle ball and had NO pain. I am writing this almost 6 hours later and STILL NO PAIN. That one little tweak made all the difference in the world.
So, I got to thinking: what other things in my life would be SO MUCH MORE PAINLESS if I just gave one little tweak to things here or there…? How could I improve my day-to-day just by changing things EVER-SO-SLIGHTLY? I’m going to think on these things this week, and I encourage you to do the same. It’s amazing how a simple, little change can bring about such profoundly different results.
What comes to mind for you?