Coachie Loves~
I am stretching and growing and moving into zones of unfamiliarity in my biz. I know some of you in this Tribe can relate (prob most of you). Last Thursday night, the “newness” and volume of all that’s on my plate in my biz right took me down. Major back spasms landed me in the ER. My body was demanding I rest.
Today starts a new week. I will move into it easily and gently. Things can wait. People can sit tight. Deadlines linger but they’re not going anywhere.
For 6 months, I’ve been taxing my logical/analytical brain with the task of building major new systems into my biz. All the efforting is beginning to work…and yet I am impatient. When will I be done? How long will this take? When can I let my foot off the gas?
For 6 months, I’ve been taxing my creative, right brain with the exercise of writing. My first draft of the book I’m writing for coaches is 65% done. Yet I feel “behind.” Behind what?!? It’s my own self-imposed schedule. And yet I am impatient. When will it be done? How long will this take? When can I let my foot off the gas?
I pulled a Kuan Yin oracle card and I got “the Dance Unveiling.” Sometimes, we have to sit with discomfort and a whole lotta patience before we see clearly what’s before us. In other words, we must do the dance of grace.
All good things in perfect time. I am divinely held, especially when life and biz are at their most chaotic and exhausted.
This week, I dance with grace. I encourage you to dance with it, too, if it speaks to you.
OOOHHHHHH!!!!!! YESSSSS!!!! Thank You for this beautiful reminder message. I am Dancing With Grace with You my Soul SiStar!! Blessings to Your rest time.