If you’re like me, one day you find yourself going Mach 10 with your hair on fire, full of energy and zest and ready to conquer the world, and the next day your energy is completely zapped and it feels like there are 200 lb weights attached to your ankles, dragging you down into the pit of despair. This is the not-so-bright side of life. And we ALL experience it. You are not alone. I am offering to you three practical, sure-fire ways to fend off the despair. For the next three weeks, I will …
Bathing My Soul
Two weeks ago, I did something I've always wanted to do: I went on an all-day SILENT meditation retreat. No talking, no making eye contact, no interaction with any other human being for a little over six hours. Here's how it went. I assembled early one Sunday morning at the Pyle Center along the shores of indigo-blue Lake Mendota in Madison, WI with seven other people to, well, be in silence for the day. We meditated together, we ate together, we colored mandalas with oil pastel crayons …