***How to work with the i style***
What do you do when the newest hire to the team seems to be hard to corral, as he spends a lot of his day chatting it up, encouraging his teammates, and getting to know his officemates…? You are finding that he is challenging to focus and his follow-through is behind schedule already. He’s a great guy, and everyone
really, really likes him…and you just want to make sure that you can depend on him to pull his weight and to do so ON TIME and with attention to quality. What do you say and HOW do you say it?
Remember, this new teammate is likely an “i” behavioral style (his outgoing, friendly, and social nature define him as such). That means he is relationships-focused, highly enthusiastic, and likes to be in on the action. He is also very motivated by praise and recognition. If you must deliver criticism, do it with a velvet glove. Before offering what needs to be ENHANCED in his performance, congratulate him first on what a great job he’s doing in really solidifying his relationships with others on the team.
I’m offering a 2-day course at the UW-Madison on Feb 8-9, 2016. In this class, I’m going t
o continue this dialogue about i’s, teaching you everything you need to know to communicate more effectively and enhance your relationship with them. We will also cover D’s, S’s, and C’s, too, of course.
BONUS: I am going to teach you how to “people read” so you can guess the style of others without formally assessing them.
This course includes a formal Everything DiSC Assessment and Report.
Register by Jan 15th.
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