What do I really, really want?
This is a question I ask of my group coaching clients each week. They have to reflect and journal their answers to me. This week, I decided to write my own list, too.
Putting it out there to the universe…let the conspiring to “make it so” begin!
What do I really, really want?I want to make $150K annually from doing art and coaching. And I want to do it while laughing and giggling, being smart and strategic, and feeling fully supported by those who love me.
I want to teach online mixed media/getting creative classes that I promote through the web and social media.
I want to build my list in 2016 to number 10K people who are all right-aligned with ME.
I want to write a how-to book about “becoming joyfully creative.”
I want to offer daily tid-bits via social media of some kind about “how to live a creative life.
”I want to change my website and logo to read “Chariti Gent Creative.”
I want to paint at least 2-3 hours every day.
I want to have someone license my work for home décor objects/cards/etc.
I want to make $5K per month JUST from my art.
I want people to ooze excitement about the prospect of working with me, the most creatively divine creature they know.
I want a waiting list of clients.
I want to change my title to “Artist. Coach. Inspirationalist.”
I want to inspire the creativity in others.
I want to awaken souls.
I want to spread joy every day.
I want to really, deeply love every day.
I want to laugh 5 times each day, and hug just as many times, too.
I want to kiss my husband, my daughter, and my dog (and the cats!) each day.
I want to sleep 9 hours every night.
I want to read fiction 1-2 hours every day.
I want to be solitary for 1-2 hours every day.
I want to exercise my body at least 45 minutes every day.
I want to eat good food that is wholesome AND tasty.
I want a personal chef, a housekeeper, and a dinner nanny.
I want to live somewhere with a view of water, high up on a hill. There might be horses grazing in the distance.
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